Una dintre cele mai interesante colaborari ale lui Kendrick Lamar apare pe o piesa lansata de curand alaturi de danezii din Quadron. “Better Off” este un extras de pe viitorul album (Avalanche) al trupei de electric soul in care raper-ul dovedeste ca abilitatile lui muzicale sunt potrivite si pentru un sound smooth groove. Vocalista, Coco Maja, a mai avut tangente de-a lungul timpului cu sfera hip hop, ea fiind una dintre colobaoratorii lui Tyler, The Creator de pe piesa Treehome95. De asemenea, Kendrick Lamar a folosit piesa danezilor Tiden Flyver ca sample pentru hit-ul “B*tch Don’t Kill My Vibe.”.
“We only have one feature on our new album, and we are elated that it’s Kendrick Lamar. He invited us to collaborate on his own album, and we had such a great time working with him that we asked him if he wanted to be part of our project as well. We are so happy for all his success and we are very proud of this song. We wanted to have more of a fluid song that wasn’t too over structured and had a bit of a bedroom/after hours vibe to it.” (Quadron)