Primul album major al anului a fost lansat de Future. Este al saptelea sau LP si este intitulat “the WIZRD”. Invitatii de pe material sunt: Travis Scott, Young Thug si Gunna.
Albumul contine 20 de piese:
1. Never Stop
2. Jumpin On A Jet
3. Rocket Ship
4. Temptation
5. Crushed Up
6. F&N
7. Call the Coroner
8. Talk Shit Like A Preacher
9. Promise U That
10. Stick To The Models
11. Overdose
12. Krazy But True
13. Servin Killa Kam
14. Baptize
15. Unicorn Purp f. Young Thug & Gunna
16. Goin Dummi
17. First Off f. Travis Scott
18. Faceshot
19. Ain’t Coming Back
20. Tricks On Me
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exhaustive list available in downloadable xls files. 3) The relative standard error (rse) is a feature of the reliability of statistics of a survey.