NO Stress | with: Indjstione / Phunk B & Nerub @Cypher

Cypher Strada Piezișă 17, Cluj-Napoca 400000, România, Cluj-Napoca

Indjstione is a 35 years old producer/dj from Romania and a member of Sucleeu & GenMaica Soundsystem.While he doesn't feel his abilities stand out in an age where anybody with…

DJ WicKeD & Indjstione – Hasta la Victoria Siempre

El Comandante Cluj Strada Piezisa nr 22, 400371 Cluj-Napoca

DJ WICKED si INDJSTIONE Unii dintre cei mai buni maeștri ai vinilurilor vin la El Comandante Cluj sa ne transmita in suflete miscarea Hip-Hop si Rap de calitate! Pe Dj WicKeD l-ati…